(Erik's Reflections)
Recently, as many of you
know, Dan and I have gone off to college; myself, in upper New York state,
and Dan closer to home. The minute I arrived at college, I thought
to myself, "Erik, you HAVE to join a rock band." Divine Intervention
was such a big part of my life through High School, that I thought I couldn't
be complete without playing in a rock band.
I went hunting around
the music school for signs hung up that said "Bassist needed for student
rock band. Jazz, funk, blues, and metal influences = a MUST!"
Well, I found some that just had the "Bassist needed" part. I thought
to myself that it was a start, and looked into them. After playing
with two or three bands, I just wasn't happy. How come none of these
could measure up to DI? The musicians were certainly competent enough,
and the music was cool. There was something missing.
A week or two later,
after not playing bass with anyone, I talked to my friend Judi online.
I told her that I really missed DI and that it just wasn't the same in
college. She informed me that Danny and Adam missed it very much
as well (and that Danny was sending me some lyrics to set to music :-)
). It was then that I did some serious thinking.
It was also then that
I came up with what the other bands were lacking -- a close knit bond.
Playing in DI was more than just playing in a rock band, it was being a
part of a family -- a very close family. I tried to count up the
number of performances that we had played (which didn't take more than
a second) and came up with the nice round number of three. DI has
been three-and-some-change years in the making, and all we had to show
for ourselves was a lousy three performances? How could anyone call
us a band? Well, anyone that did not attend our rehearsals most likely
could not :-). But there wss something that ran deeper than any performances.
That thing was and still is our love for each other.
I remember all
the good times we had together. I think I'll run down a list of those
that I can remember.
Dan and I sitting
at the lunch table and Mrs. Caprario's Earth Science class freshman and
sophomore years contemplating the band that we would start. The name,
the types of music we would play, who would be in it were all discussed.
Commiting a George
Harrison several times.
Anytime that a member
got new equipment, we would all drool :-) (e.s.p.s, strats, carvins, guilds,
tons of new cymbols)
Danny's plethora
of guitars.
Playing on an old
beat up bass with an amp that I blew out.
Our plethora of
Adam and I sitting
in the hallway during breaks of "Radio Hour" and playing to our hearts'
Playing catch with
Dana during Stairway.
More name changes.
Wassy and Kossy.
Playing at Millburn
H.S. "Jamnesty International"
Adam's new amp at
the "Radio Hour" cast party.
Getting rained out
at the Junior Picnic.
"...I am Wasserman..."
Chinese food at
late-night rehearsals.
Not making the talent
show AND the Battle two years in a row (grr...).
Adam doing a solo
act before the 1998 Battle of the Bands (Koss, you know what I'm talkin'
Taking pictures
for the website in front of Danny and Dana's house.
Alyssa, Erin, Judi,
Adam supporting the hell out of us :-).
Frazzled Nerves
before Starbuck's.
Our first "payed"
After food was bought,
making about six dollars each :-).
Dan's graduation
Jamming for half
an hour at Dan's graduation party.
As you see, Divine Intervention
wasn't really about making awesome music and having tons of concerts at
all. Rather, it was more about enjoying ourselves and uniting in
a common medium -- music.
I know now that I
will never find a band so dedicated to each other or three people as special
to me and as unique as Dana, Danny, and Adam.
To you guys -- I've
enjoyed every minute including the ups AND the downs. I hope that
we can always remain great friends even if we don't always remain D.I.
band members. You are the best!
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